I provide user experience and consumer validation research and policy advisement for identity, security and privacy-oriented companies, startups and non-profits. My goal is to promote and facilitate the design of safe, accessible, user-friendly, and trustworthy information environments.
Portfolio Highlights
Latest Workshops
Accessible Gateways: Communicating Inclusive Design Practices with Style Guides
October 27, 2023, Science Gateways 2023, Online
Sense-Making, Search and SEO Workshop
May 24, 2023, UXLx: User Experience Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Read the UX-LX Wrap Up with a description of the workshop outcomes.
Featured Posts
- Informed consent: vetting research software for privacy
- Consumer Attitudes Towards Product Safety
- UX-LX: Preventing Digital Harm Keynote and Searcher Behavior Workshop
- Ethics in Computer Programming: Move Fast, and Let Someone Else Break Things
- Thoughts on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) as a Design Framework
- Resilient Identifiers for Underserved Populations WG Charter Approved
Images: Most of the images on this site are my own photography, Creative Commons photos and drawings from Wikimedia or other sources. Some of the recent ones were generated by NightCafe.studio, one of the many new AI generated art programs, like Dall-E or Midjourney AI. I am cautiously exploring this new art form and its impact on fine arts programs like the one at CUNY New York City College of Technology where I teach courses in interactive media.