Architecture_media_politics_society is a a peer-reviewed academic journal and its website serves as a forum for the analysis of architecture, landscape and urbanism in the mediated, politicized environment of contemporary culture and society. I have been managing the social media campaign for Architecture_MPS. My goal is to drive traffic to the journal and its resource content and conference series.
The primary social media outreach channels include Twitter (@architecturemps) and Facebook. I have begun developing several Pinterest boards related to published articles in the journal, Architecture_MPS, and architecture conferences, competitions, films and books. Curated engaging content to help drive readership to the journal’s articles and resource repositories. Sample content includes gender and public space, satellite imagery and human rights, and laissez-faire development in early 20th century Chicago. The journal has recently received approval to create a Google Gallery, which will be a site of further curation and experimentation.

Architecture_MPS is a collaboration of Ravensbourne University College, UK and Adelphi University, New York. The journal hosts a number of conferences related to “The Mediated City” and “Housing-A Critical Perspective.” We have released a Call for Papers and Proposals for Housing-A Critical Perspective, to take place in Liverpool on April 6-8, 2015 and encourage interested parties, students and researchers to submit projects. The Los Angeles edition of “The Mediated City” will be at Woodbury University in LA on October 1-3, 2015. To register, visit: