
My academic and research publications are listed below.

Information Science
Technical Standards
Vision Science
Real Estate Research

All blog posts are published on this site and at at

Information Science

Whysel, Noreen. (May 7, 2024). Informed consent: vetting research software for privacy. Web. ResearchOps Community, Medium.

Whysel, Noreen. & L. LeVasseur. (March 5, 2024). Consumer Attitudes Towards Product Safety: Physical Consumer Goods vs. Internet Connected Products. Internet Safety Labs.

Whysel, Noreen, Shari Thurow & Bev Corwin. (October 30, 2023). “Not an Afterthought: Ongoing Accessibility Evaluations During Development of Science Gateway Websites – Life and Earth Sciences.” Poster presentation (accepted). Gateways 2023, Science Gateways Community Institute, Pittsburgh, PA.

Phuong, Jimmy et al. (November 14, 2022). “Informatics-enabled Preparedness for Natural Hazards to Minimize Health Impacts of Climate Change.” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA29(12), 2161–2167.

Whysel, Noreen & Lisa LeVasseur.(June 2, 2022). Spotlight Report #6: Proffering Machine-Readable Personal Privacy Research Agreements: Pilot Project Findings for IEEE P7012 WG. Internet Safety Labs.

LeVasseur, Lisa & Whysel, Noreen. (May 4, 2022). CPPA Pre-Ruling Stakeholder Sessions. (Statement on Dark Patterns). Internet Safety Labs.

Whysel, Noreen. (March 28, 2022). Ethical Design: Evaluating Digital and IRL Experiences and How One Mght Support or Hinder the Other. Web. Living Lab Learning Library. CUNY New York City College of Technology.

Whysel, Noreen. (February 24, 2022). Designing Respectful Tech: What is your relationship with technology? Web. Boxes and Arrows. Online.

Whysel, Noreen. (January 18, 2022). Spotlight Report #5: Me2B Alliance Validation Testing Report: Consumer Perception of Legal Policies in Digital Technology. Me2B Alliance.

Whysel, Noreen, Alexanyan, Karina & Little, Julia. (November 5, 2021). Spotlight Report #3: Me2B Alliance Validation Research: Consumer Sensitivity to Location Tracking by Websites and Mobile App. Me2B Alliance.

Gesing, S., Brandt, S., Bradley, S., Potkewitz, M., Kee, K., Whysel, N., Perri, M., Cleveland, S., Rugg, A. and Smith, J. A Vision for Science Gateways: Bridging the Gap and Broadening the Outreach. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’21), July 18–22, 2021, Virtual Conference, ACM, New York, NY. [full text preprint]

Whysel, Noreen, Shari Thurow & Bev Corwin. (April 20, 2021). Accessibility Compliance and Assessments for Gateway Websites in Life Sciences: Toward Inclusive Design [Conference presentation]. The Information Architecture Conference. Online. [program] [poster]

Whysel, Noreen. (November 19, 2020). Accessibility Compliance and Assessments for Gateway Websites in Life Sciences: Toward Inclusive Design [Poster presentation]. City Tech’s 18th Annual Poster Session. New York City College of Technology, City University of New York. Online. [program] [gallery– slide 20]

Thurow, Shari, Noreen Whysel & Bev Corwin. (October 19, 2020). Accessibility Compliance and Assessments for Gateway Websites in Life Sciences: Toward Inclusive DesignGateways 2020. Science Gateways Community Institute, Virtual Conference. [poster and supporting reference materials]

Thurow, Shari & NoreenWhysel. (October 30, 2019). How to Create and Maintain an Effective Information Architecture and Navigation System for Science Gateway Websites. Gateways 2019. Science Gateways Community Institute. Retrieved from

Whysel, Noreen. (June 12, 2019). NYC Charter Revisions and GIS Oversight. GISMOnyc.

Whysel, Noreen. (March 16, 2019). IA Gateway. Poster presentation. The Information Architecture Conference 2019, Orlando, FL, USA. [program]

Thornhill, K., Colt, J., Davis, S., Dragovic, N., Marshall, H., Melton, S., … Young, S. W. H. (2018, December 17). Digital Libraries User Personas Best Practices. OSF.

Whysel, Noreen. (February 9, 2017). Help Millennials Make Better Financial Decisions. Decision Fish.

Whysel, Noreen. (May 7, 2016). Pinterest as Digital Archive. Poster presentation. ASIS&T 2016 Information Architecture Summit, Atlanta, GA.

Whysel, Noreen. (June/July 2015). Information Architecture in Wikipedia. ASIS&T Bulletin.

Whysel, Noreen. (April 25, 2015). IA and Wikipedia. Poster presentation. ASIS&T 2015 Information Architecture Summit, Minneapolis, MN.

Whysel, Noreen. (Ed.). (2006-2013). IA Institute Annual Report. Information Architecture Institute.

Whysel, Noreen. (Ed.). (2006-2013). IA Institute Salary and Benefits Survey. (Advisor for 2014 and  2015 editions). Information Architecture Institute.

Edelstein, Jeffrey, Carolyn Li-Madeo, Julia & Noreen Whysel. (2013). “Linked Open Data for Cultural Heritage: evolution of an information technology.” In Proceedings of the 31st ACM international conference on design of communication. Greenville, N.C.: Association for Machine Computing.

Whysel, Noreen. (10 May 2013). Linked Open Data in Cultural Heritage Institutions, Poster presentation. 2013 Pratt SILS Student Showcase, New York, NY.

Dowling, Kate, Danielle Hart & Noreen Whysel. (April 5, 2013). Folksonomies and Social Tagging in Museums, Poster presentation. ASIS&T 2013 Information Architecture Summit, Baltimore, MD.

Whysel, Noreen. (30 November 2012). “Archiving Digital Maps.” (unpublished student paper). New York, NY: Pratt Institute.

Whysel, Noreen. (13 November 2012). “Folksonomy: The Evolution of a Knowledge Organization Concept.” (unpublished student paper). New York, NY: Pratt Institute.

Whysel, Noreen. (22 March 2012). Incident Timeline and Review of Technology Advances at OEM Since 2001 (revised). Poster presentation. ASIS&T 2012 Information Architecture Summit, New Orleans, LA.

Whysel, Noreen. (16 November 2011). Incident Timeline and Review of Technology Advances at OEM Since 2001. Poster presentation. NYC GeoSymposium 2001-2011-2021New York, NY.

Whysel, Noreen. (20 June 2011). “Finding IA at the Enterprise Search Summit,” IA Institute News.

Whysel, Noreen. (1999). “Search Engine Position Strategies,” Virtuous Reality Interactive, Inc. Workshops.

Technical Standards

I collaborated in the development of the following technical standards providing key subject matter expertise in the specifications and supplemental guidance.

ISL Safe Software Specification for Websites and Mobile Apps v1.1. (July 5, 2022). Internet Safety Labs.

Me2B Safe Technology Specification v1.0. (April 29, 2022). Me2B Alliance.

Mobile Authentication Assurance Statement (MAAS) Draft Specification. (October 27, 2020). Federated Identifiers for Resilient Ecosystems Work Group, Kantara Initiative.

User Experience Guidelines and Metrics. (June 10, 2016). IDEF Knowledgebase. Identity Ecosystem Steering Group.

Baseline Functional Requirements (Usable Requirements and Best Practices). (June 6, 2016). IDEF Knowledgebase. User Experience Committee, Identity Ecosystem Steering Group.

Vision Science

Zaidi, Qasim, Bill Yoshimi, Noreen Flanigan (Whysel) & Anthony Canova. (1992). Lateral interactions within color mechanisms in simultaneous induced contrast. Vision Research, 32, 1695-1707, 1992.

Zaidi, Qasim, Bill Yoshimi & Noreen Flanigan (Whysel). (1990). Tests of spatial additivity for induced color contrast. Optical Society of America, Annual Meeting, 1990. (Opt. Soc. Am. Tech. Digest Series, 15, 206, 1990).

Real Estate Research

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. (2000). “1999 Nassau/Suffolk Counties, New York,” In ULI Market Profiles, New York, NY: Urban Land Institute.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. (2000). “1999 New York City, New York,” In ULI Market Profiles, New York, NY: Urban Land Institute.

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. (1999). “1998 Nassau/Suffolk Counties, New York,” In ULI Market Profiles, New York, NY: Urban Land Institute.

Price Waterhouse LLP. (1998). The 1998 CRE Real Estate Technology Survey. New York, NY and Chicago, IL: The Counselors of Real Estate and Price Waterhouse.

Price Waterhouse LLP. (1998). “1997 Nassau/Suffolk Counties, New York,” In ULI Market Profiles, New York, NY: Urban Land Institute.

Price Waterhouse LLP. (1997). “1996 Nassau/Suffolk Counties, New York,” In ULI Market Profiles, New York, NY: Urban Land Institute.

Price Waterhouse LLP. (1997). “CRE Technology Survey,” Counselors of Real Estate Newsletter. Chicago, IL: The Counselors of Real Estate.

Price Waterhouse LLP. (1997). “Real Estate and The Internet,” Real Estate Now. New York, NY: Price Waterhouse.

Price Waterhouse LLP. (1996). “1995 Nassau/Suffolk Counties, New York,” In ULI Market Profiles, New York, NY: Urban Land Institute.

Price Waterhouse LLP. (1996). “1995 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ,” In ULI Market Profiles, New York, NY: Urban Land Institute.

Price Waterhouse LLP. (1996). “1995 Dublin, Ireland ,” In ULI Market Profiles. New York, NY: Urban Land Institute.

Price Waterhouse LLP. (1995). “1994 Nassau/Suffolk Counties, New York,” In ULI Market Profiles, New York, NY: Urban Land Institute.

MacCrate, James R. & Noreen Y. Whysel. (1994). “Land Investors Still Want High Returns,” Mortgage News.

MacCrate, James R. & Noreen Y. Whysel. (1992). “Cost Segregation As a Tax Savings,” Real Estate Trends and Events Newsletter. New York, NY: Price Waterhouse LLP.

MacCrate, James R. &. Noreen Whysel. (1992). “Investment Value vs. Appraisal Value,”” Real Estate Trends and Events Newsletter. New York, NY: Price Waterhouse LLP.

MacCrate, James R. & Noreen Whysel. (1992). “Land Investors Still Want High Returns,” Real Estate Trends and Events Newsletter. New York, NY: Price Waterhouse LLP.

MacCrate, James R. & Noreen Y. Whysel. (1992). “Real Estate and the Internet,” Real Estate Trends and Events Newsletter. New York, NY: Price Waterhouse LLP.

MacCrate, James R. & Noreen Y. Whysel. (1992). “Real Estate Cycles,” Real Estate Trends and Events Newsletter. New York, NY: Price Waterhouse LLP.

MacCrate, James R. & Noreen Y. Whysel. (1992). “Transfer Tax,” Real Estate Trends and Events Newsletter, Price Waterhouse LLP, 1992.

Architecture_MPS Launches Pinterest Campaign

Architecture_media_politics_society is a a peer-reviewed academic journal and its website serves as a forum for the analysis of architecture, landscape and urbanism in the mediated, politicized environment of contemporary culture and society. I have been managing the social media campaign for Architecture_MPS. My goal is to drive traffic to the journal and its resource content and conference series.

The primary social media outreach channels include Twitter (@architecturemps) and Facebook. I have begun developing several Pinterest boards related to published articles in the journal, Architecture_MPS, and architecture conferences, competitions, films and books. Curated engaging content to help drive readership to the journal’s articles and resource repositories. Sample content includes gender and public space, satellite imagery and human rights, and laissez-faire development in early 20th century Chicago. The journal has recently received approval to create a Google Gallery, which will be a site of further curation and experimentation.

Screen Shot 2014-09-10 at 12.43.22 PM

Architecture_MPS is a collaboration of Ravensbourne University College, UK and Adelphi University, New York. The journal hosts a number of conferences related to “The Mediated City” and “Housing-A Critical Perspective.” We have released a Call for Papers and Proposals for Housing-A Critical Perspective, to take place in Liverpool on April 6-8, 2015 and encourage interested parties, students and researchers to submit projects. The Los Angeles edition of “The Mediated City” will be at Woodbury University in LA on October 1-3, 2015. To register, visit:

Appraisal Reviews and Their Importance

An article on appraisal reviews that I wrote with Jim MacCrate is now available at

Appraisal Reviews and Their Importance
by James R. MacCrate, MacCrate Associates LLC and Noreen Whysel

Many articles have been written on the art of reviewing appraisal reports by professional real estate appraisers for bank lending and litigation purposes. This article explains why attorneys, Judges, IRS, assessors and other individuals that obtain appraisal reports from third parties should have the reports reviewed by qualified individuals who are professional real estate appraisers. This article explains the review process, the guidelines that should be followed, and the conclusions that can be drawn from an appraisal review. Some of the reasons for divergencies between appraisal reports are discussed, such as fraud, incompetency, human error, and client pressure. The authors introduce some methods that might be employed in order to minimize conflicts, to promote justice and fairness in the appraisal and legal process.

GISMO Meeting Tomorrow

The next GISMO meeting is tomorrow, May 11th from 12:00pm-2:30pm at the Fund for the City of New York, 121 Sixth Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, NY. Michael Schill of the NYU Furman (Real Estate) Center will discuss the NY Times 2/6 Exposure of New Web site Anyone interested in geographic information systems software is welcome to attend. No need to RSVP. Lunch is provided by the Fund.

The next meeting is Thursday, July 15: Discussion on future of GIS/GISMO/NYC/NYS.

For additional details please see the GISMO website at