Open Book Hackathon: PDF to Reflowable ePUB Format

NYPL Labs hosted Open Book Hack Weekend on January 11-12, 2014 at the New York Public Library featuring digital book open source and content development based on HTML5, EPUB, and the Open Web Platform. Readium Foundation, O’Reilly Media, Perseus Books,, Google, and Datalogics sponsored the event.

I served as a user experience designer for my team, which included Dave Mayo of Harvard University, Julia Pollacks of the Bronx Community College, and Jeremy Baron. We worked on developing a way to convert PDF documents to reflowable EPUB format. We looked at converting government documents, including a sample of slip opinions from the United States Supreme Court. Sample documents and scripts are located at:

PDF (or PDF + XML) to reflowable EPUB
Dave Mayo, Harvard University
Noreen Whysel, IA Institute
Julia Pollacks, Bronx Community College
Jeremy Baron


Let It Flow: Government e pubs (NYPL Open Book Hack 2014) from Noreen Whysel

A full list of projects presented at the Open Book Hack event is available at the OpenBook2014 github site: