Mini Conference on Human Factors in Complex Sociotechnical Systems

The South Jersey Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
will be hosting a mini-conference on April 28 & 29, 2005, entitled
“Mini-Conference on Human Factors in Complex Sociotechnical Systems.”
This event will be held at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
William J. Hughes Technical Center (WJHTC), located near the Atlantic
City International Airport, New Jersey.

The mini-conference is an opportunity for researchers and
practitioners in human factors, human-computer interaction, and
related fields, who work with complex sociotechnical systems, to share
their research, designs, techniques, and lessons learned with each
other. This is also a good medium for researchers to communicate
their ongoing research as well as students to get a chance to present
at a conference. This will be the first year of the conference and we
hope the quality of the program will make it a regular event.

The mini-conference committee is seeking submissions for presentations
and posters that would be of interest to human factors researchers and
practitioners, as well as others interested in behavioral science,
engineering, and management. Papers should focus on domains that
involve multiple users with different knowledge levels, abilities, and
task needs, who interact with complex tools and with one another. We
are especially interested in papers related to, but not limited to,
domains with substantial safety, security, or economic implications.
Some examples of these domains are Aviation, Air Traffic Control,
Military, Law Enforcement, Homeland Security, Emergency Management,
Medical Process Control, and Finance and Securities Trading. We
encourage submissions discussing works in progress as well as
submissions from students seeking an opportunity to present their work.

The deadline for submitting to the conference is February 14, 2005 and
the committee has already started accepting submissions. Proceedings
for the conference will be published in a CD ROM format and
distributed to the conference attendees.

For more information please visit

For any questions, please contact:

Send submissions to:

AIfIA sponsors metadata practices conference


AIfIA sponsors conferences and events helping to build the practice of
information architecture. Learn more about AIfIA’s sponsorship program

September 30, 2004 — AIfIA will sponsor Metadata for Interoperability
in the Global Corporate Environment, a pre-conference for the DC-2004
International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications.

The one-day pre-conference program takes place on October 10, 2004 in
Shanghai, China, and is expected to attract around 100 people. The
pre-conference workshop addresses the metadata lifecycle — creation,
management, and use — as it applies to enterprise applications and
activities, with focus on interoperability enabling international
business. Experts will present case studies about interesting
applications of metadata, and then discuss issues related to metadata
creation, management, and use in the enterprise.

“This pre-conference program will help participants learn how to
optimize the early stages of a metadata program for international and
cross-cultural deployments,”said Makx Dekkers, DCMI Managing Director.
“Support from AIfIA underscores the vital role of information
architecture in developing a metadata program.”

“We are pleased to support this important initiative,” said AIfIA
President Victor Lombardi. “We believe that information architecture
can help inform the process for aligning business goals to a metadata

More details about this event are available at the DCMI conference
website at

GISMO Meeting Tomorrow

The next GISMO meeting is tomorrow, May 11th from 12:00pm-2:30pm at the Fund for the City of New York, 121 Sixth Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, NY. Michael Schill of the NYU Furman (Real Estate) Center will discuss the NY Times 2/6 Exposure of New Web site Anyone interested in geographic information systems software is welcome to attend. No need to RSVP. Lunch is provided by the Fund.

The next meeting is Thursday, July 15: Discussion on future of GIS/GISMO/NYC/NYS.

For additional details please see the GISMO website at

GIS: upcoming meetings

I just posted a bunch of upcoming meetings to the GISMO website. Additional details are in the GISMO calendar.

Events through May:

Thursday, April 29, 5:00pm: GGSA Spring Lecture Series
Hunter College, North Building in room 1022, New York, NY
“Lost Geographies and Failed Globalization: From Versailles to Iraq”
Neil Smith, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, CUNY Graduate Center

Wed, May 5, 5:00pm: GGSA Spring Lecture Series
Hunter College, North Building in room 1022, New York, NY
“Tips and Tools for Color Symbolization for Mapping and Visualization”
Cynthia Brewer, Associate Professor of Geography, The Pennsylvania State University

Tuesday, May 6 at 9:00am: LIGIS: Long Island GIS Spring Meeting
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Brookhaven, NY
See for details.

Tuesday, May 11 at 12:00pm: GISMO General Meeting
Fund for the City of New York
Michael Schill, NYU Furman (Real Estate) Center will discuss the NY Times 2/6 Exposure of New Web site

Friday, May 21, 2004 at 3:30 PM: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Public Hearing Room, Municipal Building at 1 Centre Street (at the corner of Centre Street and Chambers Street), 9th Floor, New York, NY.
The Archaeology Department will be hosting a guest lecture titled, “Recreating the Historical Topography of Manhattan Island.” Use the north entrance. Please bring photo ID for entrance to the Municipal Building.