Digital Humanities Skillshare

I developed a website for DH Skillshare, an online, open-access, knowledge resource for digital humanists for my final project for LIS 657: Digital Humanities. The goal of this website was to provide a set of written or recorded (video and audio) instructional posts covering tools that digital humanists might find of value, regardless of their field or institution. Students in my class created instructional posts as part of the course assignments. These posts do one or more of the following:

  1. teach beginners an important, useful, or interesting technology skill;
  2. demonstrate how software/tools can be used for a specific purpose;
  3. present a template/recipe for a particular type of DH study
  4. compare/review existing resources;
  5. explain the methodology behind a tool or technique, etc.

My final project paper describes my research and evaluation of existing skillshare platforms and websites, including simple email discussion lists and informational websites, wikis, content management systems, archival systems, code repositories and supercomputers. The About Us section of the completed DH Skillshare website communicates the core values of a digital humanities skillshare site and provides criteria for selecting a platform so others can create their own skillshare site.

Project URL: (has been replaced by

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