OWASP Wikipedia Edit-a-Thon

The OWASP Foundation and OWASP Projects have pages on Wikipedia. But according to Wikipedia policy, OWASP staff and project participants may not edit these pages, due to the site’s independence requirement. A recent discussion on the OWASP-leaders mailing list noted errors on the OWASP page, opening the question of how to ensure accuracy of these pages without violating the site’s independence policy. On March 18, 2015, Noreen Whysel, OWASP Community Manager, presented a brief tutorial at the OWASP NYC Hackathon and (mini)Project Summit at the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York, NY.

Attendees learned to apply their application security expertise to Wikipedia, generally, to highlight current topics in AppSec, suggest new content, resolve disputes and misconceptions, all while upholding the principles of community and shared learning. We looked at OWASP’s own wiki, which is based on the same MediaWiki platform as Wikipedia, and can be edited freely by OWASP members.