Press Mentions: O’Reilly Radar: NYC’s PLAN to alert citizens to danger during Hurricane Sandy

From “NYC’s PLAN to alert citizens to danger during Hurricane Sandy A mobile alert system put messages where and when they were needed: residents’ palms.” by Alex Howard |@digiphile October 30, 2012

As more consumers replace their devices in the years ahead, more people around the United States will also be able to receive these messages, benefiting from a public-private partnership that actually worked to deliver on improved public safety.

At least one New Yorker got the message and listened to it:

“If ‘act’ means stay put, then why yes I did,” tweeted Noreen Whysel, operations manager Information Architecture Institute. “It was enough to convince my husband from going out….”

Here’s hoping New York City doesn’t have to use this PLAN to tell her and others about impending disaster again soon.

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