Atlas of Global Conservation

The Nature Conservancy has produced a lovely hardcover Atlas of Global Conservation. An interactive version is available at

A Groundbreaking Look at Conservation
With The Atlas of Global Conservation, readers can take measure of their own place in the world, not only by longitude and latitude but also by the types of habitats surrounding them, by the species that flourish at home but not elsewhere, and by the amount of conservation that has been done

NYCArc GIS User Symposium – June 18 at John Jay College

The NYCArc User Group is hosting a seminar on Friday 18 June. The full day session will take place at John Jay College – 899 Tenth Ave @ 59th Street.

Doors open at 8:00 am. The symposium will run until approximately 4:30pm. Please note that seats are on a first come first serve basis: you must confirm with Steve via email to

8:30AM John Jay College Welcome
Jack Dangermond, President, ESRI

GISMO Meeting – Wednesday 30 June (3-5pm)

GISMO is Back! Come Join Us for a Re-launch Meeting on Wednesday 6/30 from
3-5pm at the Fund for the City of NY

Elisabetta (Lis) DeGironimo, GISP & Bruce Oswald are traveling downstate to
present the benefits of formal association between GISMO & the NYS GIS

Steve Romalewski will provide an update on the CUNY Mapping Service

Pay on your own social to follow: 5:30pm at Antarctica Bar

GISMO was founded in 1990 and was, in its’ heyday, the New York Metropolitan
Area’s largest geographic information systems (GIS) users’ group, with over 700
members from city, state and federal agencies, non-profit organizations and the
private sector.

GISMO continues to be a valued forum for sharing information on
well-established and emerging geospatial technologies along with news from GIS
publications, meetings, vendors as well as business, internship and software
training opportunities.

GISMO members range from students to savvy practitioners in & out of
government: all cite significant benefits over the years from the networking
promoted both virtually and in-person.

GISMO meetings will once again be scheduled bi-monthly beginning in July 2010.
We will generally gather at the Fund for the City of New York, with other venues
adopted depending on group size & nature of presentation(s) Goes Mobile

(via Wendy Brawer)

Dear friends at GISMO

Joining the mobile revolution, Green Map System has two new resources for green living – a mobile website and the first Green Map iPhone App!

Ideal for locals and tourists alike, both are free and feature the beta version of “What’s Green Nearby?

Geospatial Summit

*The Summit is BACK!* *

*On May 18-19th the 2010 NYS GeoSpatial Summit will be held at the historic Otesaga Hotel overlooking beautiful Otsego Lake in Cooperstown. Sponsored by the NYS GIS Association and the NYS Office of Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Coordination, the event will be kicked off with a reception on the evening of the May 18th at the Baseball Hall of Fame. Enjoy the reception and talk one-on-one with geospatial leaders from New York State and beyond. In addition, take advantage of the setting to conduct a free tour of the Hall of Fame, and, later, stroll the shores of the pristinelake that James Fenimore Cooper featured in many of his novels and dubbed “Glimmerglass.”

The main event will occur on May 19th at the Otesaga Hotel and will feature speakers from the avant-garde of the geospatial industry. They include Steve Coast founder of OpenStreetMap, a collaborative map of the world and organizer of the Atlanta Mapathon; James Fee, GIS developer, analyst, consultant and founder of the provocative James Fee Blog; Nicholas Roy,a member of MIT

NYC BigApps Competition

Check out the NYC BigApps Competition:

$20,000 cash prizes including lunch with Mayor Bloomberg.

The City of New York is improving the way it provides information and transparency to citizens. But delivering great information requires great tools. The NYC BigApps Competition will reward the developers of the most useful, inventive, appealing, effective, and commercially viable applications for delivering information from the City of New York’s Data Mine to interested users.

Be a GeoMentor!

Amy Jeu sent me this announcement. If you love mapping and love mentoring kids, don’t miss this opportunity:

The Geographic Information Sciences (GIS) software company ESRI has partnered with National Geographic to recruit GIS professionals to mentor students. In true GIS form, they present a map of who is mentoring where. So far, no one has volunteered in NYC (as of Nov. 5). Participation is a great way to kick off GIS Day, which is November 18, just a few days away. Also, see details on Geography Awareness Week, which begins next week.

Please use the website to sign up for the GeoMentor program.

Be a GeoMentor!

Amy Jeu sent me this announcement. If you love mapping and love mentoring kids, don’t miss this opportunity:

The Geographic Information Sciences (GIS) software company ESRI has partnered with National Geographic to recruit GIS professionals to mentor students. In true GIS form, they present a map of who is mentoring where. So far, no one has volunteered in NYC (as of Nov. 5). Participation is a great way to kick off GIS Day, which is November 18, just a few days away. Also, see details on Geography Awareness Week, which begins next week.

Please use the website to sign up for the GeoMentor program.