I am working with the New York Geospatial Catalysts (NYGeoCATS) on developing a series of public and private meetings to introduce companies and individuals involved in the geodata community in New York City. These meetings are being facilitated with a goal to promote open access and availability of geospatial data from providers to users. Highlights include the GISMO 25th Anniversary gala, a CEO breakfast with the U.S. NGA Director Robert Cardillo and facilitated meetings with Department of Defense innovation offices.
Technology Transfer Days: September 29-October 2, 2015
I am an advisor for the Technology Transfer Days program hosted by the Brooklyn Small Business Development Center. I introduced local geodata and GIS services organizations to members of the U.S. Army USCENTCOM and NORTHCOM Innovation Office, National Defense University, Navy Postgraduate School, for private, facilitated meetings and helped plan a public program including presentations by U.S. Veteran Entrepreneurs and the Department of Defense’s National Security Technology Accelerator (NSTA). Other partners of the Technology Transfer Days program include NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering, NYC ACRE @ Urban Future Lab, Brooklyn Law Incubator and Policy Clinic, Brooklyn CityTech, OWASP Brooklyn and GISMO.
GISMO@25, May 1, 2015
On the 25th anniversary of GISMO, I curated a Panel Discussion on Crowd Sourcing, Social Media and NYC’s GIS Startup Scene, featuring New York City-based GIS specialists and geodata users.
- Noel Hidalgo, BetaNYC Program Manager, a Code for America brigade
- Aileen Gemma Smith, CEO, Vizalytics, MindMyBizApp
- Lela Prashad, CEO, NiJel
- Steven Adler, IBM Chief Innovation Officer, Africa Open Data Meetup: Ebola Data Map
For more information about the work I am doing with GISMO and its GIS startup events, visit http://www.gismonyc.org/events/past-events/
Technology Transfer: Creating Cultures of Innovation, February 28, 2014
As part of a technology transfer program, I introduced local geodata and GIS services organizations to members of the U.S. Army USCENTCOM Innovation Office, including several organizations who participated in the November Geodata CEO Breakfast described below. Parties were invited by my colleague Bev Corwin to participate in a meetup mashup, Technology Transfer: Creating Cultures of Innovation, featuring Zach Tudor, SRI, Co-Author of Technology Transfer: Crossing the “Valley of Death,” Professor Nasir Memon, of NYU Polytechnic, Brett Scharringhausen, USCENTCOM CCJ8-Science & Technology Chief, Discovery & Integration and Ryan Letts, Veterans Advisor, Brooklyn SBDC CityTech.
Geodata CEO Breakfast, November 19, 2014
On the morning of the American Geographical Society’s annual meeting, “Geography 2050,” I hosted a breakfast at Booz Allen Hamilton with Alan Leidner in which we invited key officers of the U.S. National Geo-Intelligence Agency, including NGA Director Robert Cardillo, to meet with and view presentations by the CEOs of several geodata startup and mid-maturity firms in New York City. Participating organizations included CartoDB, Boundless, Sourcemap, Interface Foundry, Ontodia/Pediacities, End Point Corporation, as well as the U.S. Geo-Intelligence Foundation and the GIS Director for the NYC Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications. These meetings are the first of several planned for the NYGeoCATs business development program.
GIS Startup Showcase, November 18, 2014
GISMO hosted a GIS Startup Showcase at the New York Public Library on the evening of November 18, 2014. I worked with Jessie Braden, Director of the Spatial Analysis and Visualization Initiative at Pratt Institute, to curate a pane of data users and data providers.
- Jordan Preston, LavaMap
- Rachel Law, CEO, Interface Foundry
- Alexandre Winter, Placemeter
- Alicia Roualt, Local Data
- Joshua Campbell, Boundless
- Miguel Arias, COO, CartoDB
- Bianca Rodrigues, End Point, Liquid Galaxy
- Joel Natividad, CEO, Ontodia, PediaCities)
- Leo Bonnani, CEO, Sourcemap
After the data users presented, we held a discussion with data providers from local and regional government, academic institutions and library initiatives:
- Matt Knutzen, Chief Librarian and Curator, NYPL Map Division
- Chris Barnett, GIS Librarian, Tufts University, OpenGeoPortal
- Colin Reilly, GIS Director, NYC DOITT
- Sam Wear, GIS Director, Westchester County
- Andrew Nicklin, Open NY, NY State ITS