Wikipedia at IA Summit 2016

As a Wikipedian who has been increasingly involved with editathons in New York City since completing my MLIS degree at Pratt Institute School of Information, I have been interested in creating bridges between the Wikipedia and IA communities. Thanks to a Wikimedia Foundation TPS grant, I was able to represent Wikipedia at the 2016 IA Summit in Atlanta and at the IA Institute’s workshop on Architecting the Information of Georgia House Bill 757, hosted by the Center for Civil and Human Rights.

I am especially interested in the linked data capabilities of Wikipedia and Wikidata as it is a growing topic among Information Architects and increasingly affecting how digital environments are structured and built. Last year, I created WikiProject: Information Architecture to pique interest among the IA community in Wikipedia editing, with the ultimate goal of showing IAs how their knowledge and expertise contributes to engaging Wikipedia users. I also presented a session on IA and Wikipedia at the 2015 Information Architecture Summit in Minneapolis and wrote an article on IA in Wikipedia for the ASIS&T Bulletin, which increased interest in potential editing and collaboration with the Wikipedia community. While I was originally interested in getting more IAs involved to develop Information Architecture topics in Wikipedia, it is becoming increasingly clear that the IA community is equipped to collaborate with Wikipedia on its own technology development and projects.

This year’s IA Summit was a continued exploration of the relationship between the Wikipedia and IA communities at the 2016 IA Summit in Atlanta. On Saturday May 7, I represented Wikipedia at two events, a workshop hosted by the Information Architecture Institute at the Center for Civil and Human Rights in Atlanta, and IA Summit Game Night which took place the same evening at the Omni Atlanta Hotel. The workshop, “Architecting the Information of Georgia House Bill 757” was the Institute’s response to the proposal of a bill that would potentially discriminate against the LGBT community. About 30 IAI members attended. The format was primarily discussion and centered on the role and impact of language in legislative processes. My input centered on Wikipedia as an information architecture tool that describes and related concepts internationally through its articles and Wikidata. I proposed that the IA Institute and its members should take a greater role in editing and offer their expertise in the structure of information to the Wikipedia community. I further made an appeal for information architects to take greater ownership of the structure of language and concept relationships as defined in Wikidata and its tools and APIs.

IA Summit Game Night, held immediately after the IAI workshop at the Omni Atlanta Hotel, hosted 85 attendees. Players selected from ten tables, one which was dedicated to Wikipedia. We set up the unofficial Wikipedia game and also used it as a way to introduce information architect practitioners to Wikipedia editing. The evening went from 8-11pm and we played several rounds of the game. Most of the people who stopped by the table who inquired about my role with Wikipedia turned out to already be editors, but mostly on a very casual level. I encouraged them to continue to edit and discussed the structure of Wikidata as a tool that IAs can use in developing information spaces outside of Wikipedia.

Wikipedia Gamers at IA Summit 2016 Game Night
Wikipedia Gamers at IA Summit 2016 Game Night
Wikipedia Swag at IA Summit 2016 Game Night
Wikipedia Swag at IA Summit 2016 Game Night

Game night was a lot of fun and opened a conversation about the ways that IAs can participate in local Wikipedia activities in their areas as well as generally as editors and developers of tools that utilize Wikidata. I handed out pins and stickers throughout the three day conference.

My roommate during the event, Marianne Sweeny, will be one of three co-chairs at the 2017 Information Architecture Summit in Vancouver, March 22-28. She is very interested in developing a greater role for Wikipedia at the 2017 event and has asked me to prepare a proposal for engagement next year. Thoughts include an ongoing Wikipedia booth or table in the exhibition hall, train the trainers events, weekend long Editathon related to the conference theme, Game Night participation and other activities TBD.

I plan to share a report of the event at the May 25 meeting of the NYC Wikipedia meetup.

My goal for this event was to get more information architects involved with Wikipedia: what it is, why it aligns with their own work and how they can be involved. Last year’s editathon in Minneapolis was a good start. I am confident that this has been an important activity to build bridges to ensure that our communities support each other. Over time, the benefit to WMF of a collaboration with the IA community will be improved architecture and user experience based on sound information architecture practices.

As for the conference itself, my notes from the IA Summit sessions are available at:

Driving the Dome

For eight weeks every Wednesday, Brett and I snuck away under darkness and rain to the American Museum of Natural History’s Hayden Planetarium to learn how to make a star show. We learned the ins and outs of the planetarium’s computer controls and presented shows for our family and friends on March 30th in the dome. A fellow classmate called it “playing with the biggest toy in New York City.”

Noreen and the Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn
Showing the Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn

Brett and the Earth's Magnetosphere
Brett and the Earth’s Magnetosphere

The program, Adult Digital Flight School, is a grown up version of a class that the museum’s education department created for school age children. The software, called Uniview Digital Universe, lets you display objects from moons and satellites to planets and galaxies to the large structure of the universe. It also has time and motion controls that allows the user to fly to selected objects and simulate the motion of the objects in space. You can examine the moon as it passes in front of the sun for a solar eclipse or watch the Cassini satellite make its initial 2004 approach of Saturn and then turn up the speed of time and watch ten years of the satellite’s orbits go by in seconds. It’s dizzying and took a lot of patience (and a little Dramamine) to feel in control of the “flight.”

The class structure included time in the classroom developing a program and time in the dome to test out the feel of the controls as your show is projected to the dome. And of course a lot of time at home researching our topic and writing our scripts. Each student selected very different study subjects. My topic as you may have guessed was the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn. Brett studied aurora activity on the Earth and other planets in our solar system and the effect of the magnetosphere and nearby moons on auroras. We learned from our classmates about stellar distances, constellations, near Earth object collision risk, moon tides and life on the International Space Station. We also found out where the Borg live. [Spoiler Alert] Apparently, the S.S. Enterprise could only have traveled within the Milky Way Galaxy. Warp 8 just doesn’t get you very far.

Hayden_PlanetariumAMNH has a public version of the Uniview software that you can download from the Hayden Planetarium website. It was great fun and highly recommended if you ever get the urge to drive the dome.

If you would like to download the script from my exploration of the Cassini-Huygens mission, be my guest.

Update 06/09/2017: The Best of Cassini: 13 Years in Orbit Around Saturn, By Alan Taylor, The Atlantic, June 7, 2017.

Calm Down. Wikipedia is Not Planning to Compete with Google.

I am reading and rereading the discussion/controversy/hype/reporting on Wikipedia’s knowledge engine and wondering exactly what about it should be construed as a direct competitor to Google. Yes. An unbiased, independent, not tied to corporate interests search engine, but of what content? Wikipedia’s, most likely. Surely not all of the internet, since their own data and articles are continually vetted for independence and would provide a test for bias.

Wikipedia’s leaked grant proposal indicates that there is a concern that content delivered by Google search results that originates from Wikipedia is obviating the need to click through to a Wikipedia page, therefore reducing the number of users that might see WMF’s donation pitch and thereby reducing it’s revenues. But if the Knowledge Engine is really just a better way to search Wikipedia content then it seems to be more an effort to keep users on the Wikipedia site by providing better access to search and discovery of Wikipedia articles. But if you are expecting people to start at Wikipedia to use the search engine (or whatever landing page Wikipedia creates), you still have the problem of getting them there. (FWIW, when I find a Wikipedia article on Google or even a bit of information generated from Wikipedia I often if not usually continue on to the Wikipedia article. I may just be an encyclopedia geek, but encyclopedia geeks are the ones making contributions to Wikipedia in the first place.)

Another concern I have heard is that somehow this Knowledge Engine will reduce the need for curated content. Again, this seems to be alarmist. Wikipedia content, whether in the form of articles or data, is submitted and curated by Wikipedia Editors. What “content” would the Knowledge Engine search if not for the content developed and curated by editors? From what I saw of the proposal it didn’t look like the Knowledge Engine was intended to piece together discovery from the wild, but from Wikipedia’s own content. And even if there was an attempt to deliver content from the wild, the best way to evaluate it for bias would be to compare it to the curated content.
What am I missing?

UPDATE (2016/02/16 4:34pm): And the response from Wikipedia (found almost immediately after I added my post):

Clarity on the future of Wikimedia search « Wikimedia blog

“What are we not doing? We’re not building a global crawler search engine. We’re not building another, separate Wikimedia project….Despite headlines, we are not trying to compete with other platforms, including Google. As a non-profit we are noncommercial and support open knowledge. Our focus is on the knowledge contributed on the Wikimedia projects. ”

IA Institute Election Results

The IA Institute released their election results.

Congratulations to Dan Klyn on winning the Information Architecture Institute President seat, and good election, Lara Federoff. Special congrats to my classmate Samantha Raddatz, the IAI’s new programming and events director!

I was glad to see broader participation this year. It looks like we have a great team in place, and while I did not win this time, I pledge to continue my support and volunteering efforts on the library redesign team. I am excited to see what develops.

Full results:

President: Dan Klyn
Treasurer: Natasha Kendall
Development Director: Judy Siegel
Programming and Events Director: Samantha Raddatz
Strategic Planning and Projects Director: Rachael Hines
Education Director: Jason Hobbs

Noreen Whysel for President


I am honored to be nominated for President of the IA Institute. It is my wish and my promise that if you elect me I will do my best to promote what former IAI President Eric Reiss once described as the “concept, community, and craft of Information Architecture.” I have been a member of the IA Institute since the beginning and have found a group of information-obsessed people who get it and who want others to get it, too. For me, it’s become a calling. I am sure many of you know just what I mean and it will be my privilege to introduce a new generation of IAs to this world I have come to love so dearly.

Position Statement

I have a huge task that I would like to complete over the next two years, and it is not an easy one. But we are IAs and we like hard problems, right? Over the years, I have sat through many iterations of plans, studies and countless deliverables and we still have the same website and membership database we had in 2006 along with a deteriorating experience that mars the credibility of our organization. As President of the IA Institute, I pledge to *finally* update the website to a modern, functional resource for members and those interested in the field of IA. This is my number one goal. We will get this done.

I will continue the barn-raising work that Abby Covert, Rachael Hodder and their many volunteers are doing to restore and strengthen our library platform and the resources that define our institution. In fact, when the IA Institute first started, the keystone project was developing a library of resources for practitioners and educators. It is a resource that continues to be cited in books and coursework and has value.

I will further develop relationships with the stakeholder groups defined by the IAI Board in 2011 to align resources with needs. As a professional association this means completing the circle from students to practitioners to service providers to employers to the teachers and mentors of the next generation of IAs. I will work to develop relationships with each of these stakeholder groups to strengthen our offerings so that everyone does their job better. This means stronger ties to academic and training institutions, developing mentoring and internship programs, a focus on the local group via WorldIADay, renewed alliances with partner organizations such as conferences and thought leaders, leadership opportunities for members, and a better way to highlight and promote the work that our members are doing.

In addition, I pledge to uphold the accountability and transparency requirements of a non-profit institution. Members commit to the Institute and deserve to know what is going on. For too long communications with our community have been infrequent and incomplete. This won’t happen when I am President. You will hear from me and I will want to hear from you frequently. Please contact me at if you have questions about my plans for IAI.

About Me

Noreen Whysel is the former Operations Manager of the Information Architecture Institute, serving from 2005-2014. She started as a volunteer in the education committee, led the mentoring program for many years, sat on the working group that launched the Journal of Information Architecture, continues to help support and troubleshoot the enterprise systems, and generally knows more about the Institute than most people alive today. In addition, she has participated in a number of leadership positions including:

  • Leader of the WikiProject: Information Architecture on Wikipedia
  • Vice Chair of the User Experience Committee for the ID Ecosystem Steering Group, a NIST initiative working to implement White House NSTIC guidelines
  • Peer Reviewer, IA Summit 2016; presented talks and posters at IAS12, IAS13, and IAS15; led mentoring activities for IAS09 and IAS10
  • Board of Directors of GISMO, a NYC-based geographic information systems association, serving as digital archivist for pending 9/11 project
  • Co-Chair of the American Theatre Archive Project, New York Chapter

Noreen is currently the Community Manager for the OWASP Foundation, which funds open source web application security projects. She also volunteers as Social Media Manager for the research group, Architecture_MPS, which operates as a socially positive forum for the analysis of architecture, landscape and urbanism in the mediated, politicized environment of contemporary culture.

Noreen holds an MSLIS from Pratt Institute with concentrations in User Experience Design and Digital Humanities and a BA in Psychology from Columbia University. Her blog/portfolio/project repository is at


Press Mentions: Art Documentation, vol. 34, no. 2 (Fall 2015)

My feedback and contributions were acknowledged in Art Documentation, vol. 34, no. 2 (Fall 2015) “Transferable Skills and the Nontraditional Workplace: A Case Study of Internships with an Art and Design Theory-Focused Journal,” by Rachel Isaac-Menard of Adelphi University.

Abstract—The author outlines a librarian internship in the virtual, nontraditional context of an open-access scholarly journal and research group called Architecture_MPS (architecture_media_politics_society). This group also organizes academic events and offers research materials in its primary area of study—architecture—and the related fields of art, sociology, and design. The importance of such training opportunities is placed in the context of the changing nature of the workplace and, in particular, the ever-more-difficult job-seeking process for librarians. This type of internship indicates possible ways forward for the training of librarians in the humanities and other fields that could help prepare library students for the workplaces of the future.

Introducing Decision Fish

Decision Fish: The Art & Science of Decision-Making is a blog with observations and applications from decision science, behavioral economics, finance, cognitive psychology and philosophy, written by my husband, Brett Whysel. The purpose of this blog is to explore applications of these realms to real world decisions.

I have been working with Brett to refine the brand and digital presence and to scout opportunities to connect with the New York City startup community and present our idea for a new kind of decision-making process to be launched in 2016. I plan to offer my expertise in user experience design and cognitive and behavioral science in developing the application. This evening (November 9, 2015), we will be attending the Women’s Startup Challenge at Microsoft to cheer on Aileen Gemma Smith, who will be presenting Vizalytics’ MindMyBiz app.

The blog’s name, Decision Fish, is inspired by the three-spined stickleback, a fish that appears to rely on crowd-sourcing, consensus decision-making.

Gasterosteus aculeatus aculeatus


The logo is a fortune-teller fish made of red cellophane whose curling when placed in one’s palm is said to indicate fickleness, passion, jealousy, etc. Of course, our goal will be to help users overcome these weaknesses to make effective decisions.

Brett Whysel is a Decision Analyst, Financial Product Structurer, C-Suite Influencer and Manager with 25 Years’ Capital Markets Experience. Brett is a guest lecturer teaching Cost-Benefit Analysis at City College’s Colin Powell School of Civic and Global Leadership. You can find out more about Brett on LinkedIn.

Information Architecture in Wikipedia

This article was featured in the ASIS&T Bulletin special edition on Information Architecture, published in July 2015.

Information architecture (IA) is a mess on Wikipedia. We all know the coverage is inadequate, to say the least. In fact when Ted Nelson gave his keynote at the Information Architecture Summit this year, he mentioned looking up information architecture on Wikipedia to prepare for the talk, and the entire crowd groaned. What can we do as a community to correct this rather embarrassing problem?

Sadly, while we have been “defining the damned thing” within our own relatively closed community, Wikipedia editors, or Wikipedians, have been labeling many of our artifacts “stub” to “start” quality and of “low” to “mid-importance.” Years-old, unaddressed criticism of the Wikipedia article on information architecture includes the admonishments that we have no academic conferences or publications, that we use “peacock” terms and unverified claims, and that our thought leaders and pioneers are not notable enough for Wikipedia. Could this be true?

In 1996 Richard Saul Wurman described information architecture as “the creating of systemic, structural, and orderly principles to make something work – the thoughtful making of either artifact, or idea, or policy that informs because it is clear.” [[1], p.16] In fact, Wurman coined the phrase information architecture in his 1976 program for the American Institute of Architects annual meeting. If we take Wurman as a start, then IA is a field of practice that is approaching its 40th anniversary [[2]]. Unfortunately, this long history is not reflected in the world’s largest public encyclopedia.

Preserving and elevating the artifacts of so many years of information architecture practice is critical. It is our livelihood. The current Wikipedia article for information architecture requires findable, up-to-date information that highlights academic research and proceedings and references to notable IA practices and thought leadership.

I proposed to create WikiProject Information Architecture [[3]] as a way for our community to ensure that information architecture is described and cited accurately and consistently across all related Wikipedia articles. WikiProject Information Architecture intends to recognize and celebrate the foundations of this field by discovering and informing the public about the history, tools, practitioners and benefits of information architecture.

Information Architecture in Wikipedia

In February 2003, the first Wikipedia article about information architecture appeared. The entire entry contained a single sentence: “The architecture of information is important to the process of comprehension.” [[4]] A few months later a few more sentences were added, along with a simple outline of an information architecture process.

A few names of “notable information architects” appeared in July, including Jon Magliola and Jeremy Bernstein, both described as “New York-based information architects.” [[5]] These names were immediately joined by others: Joseph Abrams, Jesse James Garrett, Bill McGill, Peter Morville and Louis Rosenfeld. By August 2004 a reference to the word “web” was removed with a comment that “info arch is not necessarily web based.” [[6]] In September, all of the names were removed and in October 2004, the category “information architects” was added. At this time the article was a simple description with no citations or attributions.

The earliest versions of the information architecture article were a collection of statements and names without attribution or external references. Without these basic things, there is no way to test the validity of the information presented in the article. For example, the list of notable information architects could have been anyone. There were no links to articles about the listed people, so notability is unclear (despite what we in the industry may know about Jesse, Lou and Peter). Since the names were added anonymously, readers can’t verify whether people added their own names to plug their own businesses. Wikipedia has a fairly strict conflict of interest policy. That, combined with a lack of verification and notability, is probably why the names were removed. In fact, without reference to an independent source for any of the content, the article failed pretty much all of the basic content rules for a Wikipedia article. It should have been deleted.

Yet, the information architecture article continued to exist. After the initial article was created, more people started adding and deleting and shaping the article. Wikipedia maintains revision statistics on every article via an external tool called X!’s Tools. To date, the article has been edited 720 times at a rate of about one edit per week. Nearly half of the edits (48.1%) were anonymous. There are 169 people watching the page, which means they will get an alert anytime the page is changed; 334 pages link to the information architecture article and 167 link out. Many of the out links are topics embedded in the information science and semantic web templates that are included on the page. While not technically a part of the article body, the fact that information architecture is included on these templates lends some notability to the topic. Only 17 out links are external to Wikipedia [[7]]. Clearly there is a lot of information already on Wikipedia that can be used to help develop information architecture as a topic there.

WikiProject Information Architecture

Back in 2002, Andrew Hinton presented 25 Theses [[8]], stating that access to findable, usable information is a necessity. Wikipedia and data from Wikipedia are increasingly being used by people, search engines and content developers to discover, uncover and share information about all kinds of subjects. For many it has become an essential resource.

Wikipedia is more than just a global, multi-language, linked encyclopedia. It is a community of people committed to accurate and deep discovery of a world of topics. I see a common value between information architects and Wikipedians. Our field has historically had difficulty disambiguating itself from other practices, such as interaction design, systems architecture and building architecture. What better way to do this than by using our own expertise at disambiguation and structure?

To support this effort and ensure its ongoing success, I proposed a WikiProject for information architecture [[9]]. WikiProjects are groups of Wikipedia editors who work on a specific topic or set of tasks to improve Wikipedia. It is a way our community can help to improve the quality and discoverability of IA on Wikipedia.

In the end I have a rather grand goal: WikiProject Information Architecture will help present the information architecture field to the world more accurately and with more authority through discovery of IA thought leaders, activity, achievement and links to the history of knowledge organization and discovery. The official description is somewhat more modest: “WikiProject Information Architecture deals with the categorization, creation and improvement of Wikipedia articles under the purview of information architecture and related topics.” [[9]]

Are You Hooked on Editing?

Find a Wikipedia Meetup near you at


The Information Architecture Editathon

At the 2015 Information Architecture Summit I presented a poster and an interactive session on Information Architecture and Wikipedia. On poster night, I presented my WikiProjects proposal alongside artifacts from the initial establishment of the Information Architecture Institute, including Hinton’s 25 Theses, as well as a list of over 800 published resources discussing information architecture topics.

Sunday, April 26, was the Wikipedia IA Editathon. I invited attendees to become Wikipedians to help discover and promote the people, events and history of information architecture. My plan for the editathon was to present a very brief introduction to editing rules, after which we would work on the information architecture article and related pages. I invited three Wikipedians from the Minnesota Wikipedia Group to help facilitate the session.

If you were unable to attend, I encourage anyone who is interested in this work to join us in our continuing endeavor. Below is a brief introduction to Wikipedia editing and some content rules. I created a complete tutorial [[10]] and suggestions for next steps. The WikiProject information architecture page contains sample articles to work from and an online, editable list of IA practitioners, topics, methodologies and links to research, publications and educational programs. The lists are evolving thanks to a small army of new Wikipedians.

Anatomy of a Wikipedia Article

Wikipedia articles have several components, including the article, the talk page, the edit view and the history view, among other parts. Every Wikipedia page edit is publicly visible, and every page edit you make is traceable to your user account or IP.

Talk pages are Wikipedia’s version of peer review. Editors use the talk page of an article to discuss possible additions and problems with a page. Anyone can edit these pages and add to the discussion. Both article pages and talk pages have edit views. The View History page lets you take a peek at changes that have occurred during the lifetime of the article from the time it was created.

To experiment with page editing, you can use the shared Sandbox [[11]] or your personal sandbox. Your Sandbox is a good place to start a new article. The Shared sandbox is a bit more public and might allow you immediate feedback if you use it. You can also use the Article Wizard [[12]], which walks you through creating and submitting a new article, including tips and links to support forums and other Wikipedians who can help you.

Wikipedia’s editing language is called Wiki Markup. A cheat sheet [[13]] for commonly used markup is available to help you remember how to create headings, formatting and links. One of the most important markups is the reference tag <ref>Citation</ref>. This tag allows references and footnotes in the article to appear where the template code, {{reflist}} is placed. Any text that appears between two curly brackets indicates a template, which can be Wikipedia created content as well as templates you can create yourself.

While it is recommended that you create a user account, Wikipedia doesn’t require one to edit a page. Note however that Wikipedia will record your IP address if you do make an edit without logging in. User accounts can be anonymous and many active Wikipedians prefer to be anonymous, particularly those who work on relatively controversial subject areas. There is a long article on user names [[14]] to help you decide how to choose a name. You can edit your user page with a brief introduction about who you are and the kinds of articles you like to edit. If you would like to identify yourself as a member of WikiProject Information Architecture, you can add the following template to your user page:

{{User WikiProject Information Architecture}}


Wikipedia Core Content Policies

The five pillars of Wikipedia govern how it should be treated from the perspective of editors and readers. Additional consideration for Wikipedia’s core content rules will ensure that your article will be acceptable.

  • Wikipedia is an encyclopedia.
  • Wikipedia is written from a neutral point of view.
  • Wikipedia is free content that anyone can see, use and edit.
  • Editors should treat each other with respect and civility.
  • Wikipedia has no firm rules.


Neutral Point of View. Are you telling all sides of the story? Wikipedia articles must be written from a neutral point of view, which can be somewhat difficult if the topic is relatively new or subject to any kind of public controversy. In information architecture, we are very familiar with the phenomenon of “defining the damn thing,” which is to say that there are strong opinions about what information architecture encompasses and what it does not. As long as you represent any and all significant views fairly, proportionately and without bias, your article should be unchallenged.

Wikipedia offers templates that allow editors to tag articles with various warnings (Figure 1). These tags often have helpful information about how to improve the article, including links to content rules and sources.

Notability Guidelines notice on Wikipedia
Figure 1.
Wikipedia editor’s warning messages.


Verifiability. Can you support the statements you make in your article? Material challenged and all quotations must be attributed to a reliable, published source. This support even includes material that is unlikely to be challenged. In Wikipedia, verifiability means that people reading and editing the encyclopedia can check that information comes from a reliable source and is not something that you made up.

Reliable Source. Have you provided adequate citations and references? Wikipedia editors prefer academic and peer-reviewed publications, which tend to be considered by Wikipedians as the most reliable sources. Articles in established newspapers, magazines and journals are good resources, as are college-level textbooks and books published by known and respected publishing houses. Self-published books can be considered to have less reliability as they may be seen as self-promotion, although publishing models are changing rapidly and more self-published books, particularly in industry practices, are available today.

No Original Research. Is the content you are posting new, untested or original? Then chances are it is not going to pass the editor’s review. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia, not a position paper and not a research journal. It does not publish original thought. If the material you wish to add to Wikipedia, such as a unique methodology or tool, can be attributed to a reliable, published source, then you should be fine. You may be able to reference published sources that suggest a specific position about a topic, as long as the text of the article does not advance any new theory or idea.

Notability. Does the topic warrant its own article? Wikipedia avoids the indiscriminate inclusion of topics. To be included a topics must satisfy Wikipedia’s notability requirement. Notability is tested based on whether a topic is verifiable or not. If reliable, third-party sources are available, the topic is said to be notable. Fame, importance or popularity may enhance the acceptability of a subject, but these attributes are not required, and in fact can cause a topic to be suspect.

Andrea Resmini, author, professor, past president of the IA Institute and chief editor of the Journal of Information Architecture, told me recently that the artifacts and theory of IA should drive how information is presented in Wikipedia. People that get mentioned, he said, “should be people who contributed to the field in a way that is clearly demonstrable, either with artifacts (practice), or “theory” (research)…. What before who.” Resmini’s articles, “A Brief History of IA”[[2]] from the Journal of Information Architecture and “The Architecture of Information” [[15]] from Etudes de Communication, are useful starting points for enumerating these artifacts.

The following guidelines will help to ensure that your article complies with Wikipedia’s content rules:

  • Cite sources (reliable, verifiable and published sources).
  • Do not include the full text of primary sources (paraphrase or quote).
  • Identify reliable sources (established publishers).
  • No plagiarism (not just because it’s wrong…it will be deleted).
  • Do not create hoaxes (you’d be surprised).
  • No patent nonsense (Wikipedia is supposed to be informative).


Biographies of Living Persons. Are you writing about someone who is living today? Wikipedia has a specific set of guidelines for writing about living persons. Since information architecture is a relatively young field, many of its practitioners are very much alive today. Wikipedia’s guidelines [[16]] help to avoid any hint of embarrassment or potentially libelous claims. They reflect U.S. law, which is very strict. Any contentious material about a living, or recently deceased, person will likely be deleted immediately without discussion. If you find an error in an article about yourself, you are allowed to correct obvious errors, but more extensive corrections or changes should be requested by posting the details to the article talk page or by adding an {{admin help}} tag to your user talk page.

In addition to content policies, Wikipedia also maintains a list of conduct policies. Most are no brainers. Be civil. Avoid personal attacks and harassment. Try to come to a consensus or show both sides of a controversial topic. Avoid editing wars and take advantage of Wikipedia’s dispute resolution tools if a disagreement breaks out. If you revert an edit more than three times in one day, your account can be blocked. Avoid sock puppetry, or the tendency to create multiple accounts or recruit friends to create additional accounts so as to create an illusion of support. Usernames can and should be neutral, but cannot be deleted. But should you want to create a new username, Wikipedia’s “clean start” policy allows you to do so without penalty. Finally, understand that no one owns any work on Wikipedia. All pages that you create or edit may be edited or even deleted by other editors (often mercilessly, though typically with cause).

A full list of Wikipedia guidleines and policies can be found at

Dispute Resolution

Suppose you put several hours of work into an article. You have it exactly as you want it. It’s perfect, but suddenly you find someone has deleted huge chunks of your effort or they have questioned your references. Don’t panic. First off, remember that Wikipedia is a collaborative effort. You don’t own the article. Anyone can edit it.

Rather than start an editing war where you revert the changes only to have someone add them back, use the Talk tab to start a discussion. Perhaps an editor’s grammar changes inadvertently changed the meaning of a statement. It is fair to express on the Talk page why you believe certain content should be included or removed. Certainly add references where requested. It is much nicer to request citation than to simply remove material. If you can identify the user who made a change, you can also post a question to that person’s Talk page. Sometimes civil discussion simply breaks down. In that case, Wikipedia’s dispute resolution forums can help mediate a solution.

The Information Architecture of Wikipedia

In many ways, Wikipedia is fulfilling Tim Berners-Lee’s vision of a linked, open collection of human knowledge. One of the things it does that the web does not do by itself is allow for two-way linking via category tagging. We can place a tag that identifies information architecture content so that all pages that contain this tag appear in a single page called Category:Information Architecture, thus linking all content within that category to every other page tagged the same way. That’s pretty cool.

A second and very powerful way to fulfill Berners-Lee’s vision is through linked data capabilities of DBpedia, the database that leverages content of all Wikipedia pages, as well as various community developed WikiTools.

Wikidata [[17]] is a free knowledge base that anyone can edit. It acts as a central storage for the structured data of its sister sites: Wikipedia, Wikimedia, Wikisource and others. Wikidata items link to external databases through identifier properties [[18]]. These identifier properties are similar to the authority control numbers of the Library of Congress and the VIAF (Virtual International Authority File) and allow users to specify concept hierarchies and relationships. Wikidata also supports FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) [[19]], a 1998 recommendation of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) to restructure catalog databases to reflect the conceptual structure of information resources and other ontologies.

DBpedia [[20]] is another tool that allows you to extract structured content from existing Wikipedia and related content. DBpedia is the major hub, in fact the largest repository, of Linked Open Data. It contains information derived from Wikipedia and is connected with other linked datasets by over 50 million RDF links. The following diagram (Figure 2) is the status of DBpedia data cloud as of March 2014. This is a classic view of DBpedia, with different colors representing different sectors of knowledge. It is rapidly becoming an insufficient way to represent DBpedia effectively and 3D models are available to allow you to navigate linkages between concepts.

Linked Open Data cloud diagram, 2014

Figure 2.
Linked Open Data cloud diagram, 2014.

In DBpedia semantics, the database contains 4.58 million “things” and 583 million “facts.” Facts are statements that can be made by linking one Wikipedia object to one another or to objects in an external database. DBpedia is most widely used for linking subject, object predicates triples.

Important Links

Slide Deck/Tutorial:

WikiProject Information Architecture:

Guide to Contributing to Wikipedia:

Wiki Markup Cheat Sheet:

Article Wizard:

Help on Creating Biographies of Living Persons:

IA Resources: Books

IA Resources: Published Articles:


Each thing in the DBpedia dataset is identified by a URI (universal resource identifier), such as In this instance, “Name” is derived from the URL of the source Wikipedia article:



“Facts” can be expressed in RDF triples, as in the following examples:

A “has name” B

Subject → Predicate → Object

S =

P =”

O = “Richard Saul Wurman”

S =

P = http://dbpedia-owl:occupation

O = http://dbpedia-owl:Architect


One can then turn a set of triples such as these into an ontology of Facts and Things about a particular subject.

In Wikipedia, the core of DBpedia consists of an infobox, which is a summary of article metadata. In the following example taken from the Wikipedia article on Richard Saul Wurman (Figure 3), the infobox template is rendered on the page as a box of information, but the data is extractable via DBpedia.

Richard Saul Wurman's Wikipedia entryFigure 3.
Wikipedia entry for Richard Saul Wurman


The Infobox template contains the following code which can be extracted by DBpedia:

{{Infobox scientist

|name = Richard Saul Wurman

|image = Richard Saul Wurman2.jpg

|birth_date ={{Birth date and age|1935|03|26|mf=y}}

|birth_place = [[Philadelphia, Pennsylvania|Philadelphia, Penn.]]

|nationality = American

|religion = Jewish

|field = Architecture, information architecture, design

|work_institution = [ 19.20.21]; []; [ WWW Conference]; [ WWW Conference]}}


There are many additional tools to explore in WikiData:Tools [[21]]. This site includes tools, gadgets and code snippets to help you query, view and manipulate data from the WikiData site. Some popular tools include WikiData Query, AutoList 2 and Ask WikiData. All of the tools are developed by members of the community and are available to use for free.

So What Can You Do Now?

WikiProjects survive only through the participation of committed editors. After a brief blog and social media campaign, 17 prospective Wikipedians signed on to show their support. Will you join us?

  • Find an article in need of improvement and add it to WikiProject Information Architecture or pick one from the project list.
  • Tag an article with the WikiProject Information Architecture category tag by entering the following code on its talk page: [[Category:WikiProject_Information_Architecture]].
  • Research citations on a person or topic that interests you.
  • Suggest citations or content on the talk page of an article.
  • Fix typos and grammatical errors on existing articles.
  • If you are feeling bold, create a new article. Try out your Sandbox or the Article Wizard.
  • Always remember to ask for help if you need it!


1 Wurman, R. S. (1997). Information Architects. Zurich, Switzerland: Graphis.

2 Resmini, A. (Fall 2011). A brief history of IA. Journal of Information Architecture, 3(2). Retrieved from

3 Wikipedia:WikiProject Council/Proposals/Information Architecture. (April 13, 2015). Wikipedia. Web. Retrieved from

4 Information architecture: revision history. (February 21, 2003). Wikipedia. Web. Retrieved from

5 Information architecture: revision history. (July 17, 2003). Wikipedia. Web. Retrieved from

6 Information architecture: revision history. (August 8, 2004). Wikipedia. Web. Retrieved from

7 Information architecture. X!’s Tools. Retrieved from

8 Hinton, A. (December 5, 2002). 25 Theses. Asilomar Institute for Information Architecture. Retrieved from

9 WikiProject Information Architecture. Wikipedia. Web. Retrieved from

10 Whysel, N. Y. (n.d.). WikiProject Information Architecture tutorial [slide presentation]. Retrieved from

11 Sandbox. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Web. Retrieved from

12 Article Wizard. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Web. Retrieved from

13 Cheatsheet. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Web. Retrieved from

14 Username Policy. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Web. Retrieved from

15 Resmini, A. (2013). Architectures of information. Études de communication, 41, 31–56. Retrieved from

16 Biographies of Living Persons. (n.d.). Wikipedia. Web. Retrieved from

17 Wikidata. (n.d.). Retrieved from

18 Wikidata:Database reports/List of properties/Top100. Retrieved from

19 OCLC Research. (n.d.). OCLC’s research activities and IFLA’s Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. Retrieved from

20 DBpedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from

21 WikiData:Tools. (n.d.). Retrieved from

State of the Map Bonus: Satellite Selfie

SOTM Satellite Selfie, CartoDB

June 6-8 was OpenStreetMap’s State of the Map Conference at the United Nations. I volunteered at registration and during morning sessions and was able to attend interesting talks on OSM data in Wikipedia, the Red Cross presentation on OSM in disaster response and developing a GIS curriculum in higher education.

One of the highlights was a satellite selfie. Led by a team from DigitalGlobe, a group of about 20 attendees created a large UN-blue circle on the ground and waited for the WorldView 3 and GOI1 satellites to flyover for a routine scan. Orbiting at 15,000 miles per hour about 400 kilometers above Manhattan, the WorldView 3 was expected to take images that would include UN Plaza. The resulting satellite image collected at 11:44am is available on the CartoDB blog (image above), courtesy of CartoDB CEO, Javier de la Torre. Huge thanks to Josh Winer of DigitalGlobe who took time to explain the physics of satellite imagery and kept us entertained while we waited for our not-so-closeup.

IA in Wikipedia

I am currently working on developing a WikiProject for Information Architecture at Wikipedia. I welcome participation from interested Wikipedians, with or without editing experience. Please view my IA Wikipedia Editathon tutorial and resource guide which I presented as an interactive session of the Information Architecture Summit, on April 22-26 in Minneapolis. ASIS&T Bulletin published my article on Information Architecture in Wikipedia in its June/July 2015 edition, outlining the history of this project and how you can help.

As an amateur IA historian and keeper of many things IAI for several years, I pressnted a proposal to the WikiProjects committee to create an Information Architecture group at Wikipedia. I was inspired by Christina Wodtke’s Medium article, Towards a New Information Architecture, from just over a year ago, where she urged those of us in the discipline to recommit to IA and the IA Institute, to “look beyond the title people have and instead at the work being done,” and to “Invite the innovators in understanding in, and make them part of Information Architecture.”

This is exactly what I plan to do with your help. Many artifacts from the initial establishment of the Information Architecture Institute, including the “25 Theses,” ASIS&T’s SIG-IA, and the now defunct IAWiki (via hold testament to the evolution and collaboration of practice and community over the past 15-20 years. These are artifacts that deserve to be preserved and made discoverable. And what are we if not uniquely skilled to do exactly this?

This is our livelihood. While we have been defining the damned thing within our own, relatively closed community, Wikipedia editors have been labeling our artifacts “stub” to “start” quality and of “low” to “mid-importance.” Years-old, unaddressed criticism of the Information Architecture article on Wikipedia includes the admonishments that we have no academic conferences or publications, that we use “peacock” terms and unverified claims. Much of this can be easily debunked, but a lot of information on these wiki pages should be edited, sections on academic research and proceedings should be added, and more complete cross referencing of IA practitioners and thought leadership should be included, so that these criticisms can be put to rest.

You can help by joining me and supporting my proposal. To do this follow these steps:

To join the IA WikiProject:

  1. Sign up for a account or login to your existing account if you already have one.
  2. Go to the WikiProjects page:
  3. Click “edit” next to the Members section.
  4. Type ~~~~ on new line. (This is Wikipedia’s simple way to add your account name and time stamp.)
  5. Click Save.

Once you have signed on, and even if you are not ready to add your name to the list, you can use the WikiProject Information Architecture Talk page (a tab at the top left of the proposal page) to add any comments or suggestions for content.